Vespa is the highest yielding commercially available variety on the new PGRO DL, some 10% ahead of the market leader.
It has short straw with good standing ability, a pale hilum and good seed size for the export market.
Bumble is a high yielding, white hilum winter bean variety with moderate length straw, good standing ability and relatively early maturity.
Wizard is an established variety producing large, attractive seed with a very good protein content. It is suited for use in the animal feed market and for export,
Honey is an early maturing,shorter, very stiff strawed variety.The combination of excellent standing ability and early maturity makes Honey ideally suited to higher fertility and moisture production areas and also the North and West of the UK.
Norton is a new winter bean variety which is similar in height to Vespa and has good standing ability. It is early to ripen and should be a good choice for all regions, including the wetter areas of the UK. Norton has large seed and a pale hilum and will be suitable for exports.
Vincent is a new winter bean producing very impressive yields, It has good standing ability, a pale hilum and exceptionally large seed.